Monument Funding Agreement Reached with City of WeHo
We are pleased to announce that on November 16, 2020, FAM entered into a revised Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the City of West Hollywood in which FAM agreed to donate to the City the sum of $2.43 million in exchange for the City agreeing to take over the fabrication and installation of STORIES: The AIDS Monument in West Hollywood Park, and to pay the balance of up to $2.57 million in future costs associated with the Monument.
The City will hire a design-build contractor to oversee the fabrication and installation of the Monument, with installation currently anticipated to occur by December 2022.
Many thanks to Oscar Delgado, Steve Campbell, Ric Abramson and Michael Jenkins on behalf of the City, and Mark Lehman, Craig Dougherty, Rogerio Carvalhiero, Irwin Rappaport, and former FAM Executive Director Tony Valenzuela for their time and effort in bringing about the revised MOU.