An Entire Family, Gone
Story & Recording by Cynthia Piña
My mother, father, sister, brother and uncle all succumbed to complications from HIV/AIDS. My entire immediate family, gone! By the age of eight, I said goodbye to my mother and then my father and so on. But I’m here! I’m here to say they matter, they were wonderful beings. They will ALWAYS be remembered for who they were, NOT by what they died from.
They had names: my gorgeous music aficionado mother, Innocencia Caban, “Tita”; my artistic and strikingly handsome father, Amilcar Piña, “Al”; my beam of light baby sister, Cristina Marie Piña; my nautical ultra charismatic brother, Juan Pablo Barroso, “Pipo”; and my fun loving uncle, Angel Piña.
We all have a unique story and they do as well, and I wish I could share them with you – but for now just know this … they all left this earth way too soon and left a hole forever in my heart.
Does it really matter what disease you contracted or what you died of? Or does it matter how pure your heart is and how deep you loved? They deserve respect and honor and I give them that ’til we meet again, my angels. Love Big and Love Deep.
By Cynthia Piña